Factors and Features Influencing Laptop Users of Kathmandu, Nepal

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Anjay Kumar Mishra
P. S. Aithal


Purpose: Consumer perception of laptop users is a great concern for market analysts, user and sellers. The aim is to assess the important factors and major media of advertisements influencing   the purchase decision of a particular laptop brand using descriptive statics.


Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on scheduled survey of 120 laptop users. Cross tabulation, percentage, and Likert scale were used to describe the perception quantitatively. 


Findings/Result: The study also showed that people are less price sensitive, people hardly switch from one brand of laptop to another because of price. In case of unavailability of their most preferred brand of laptop, most of them wait for their preferred brand, and only few buys second preferred brand or any available brand. Only higher price doesn’t mean good quality to most of the costumers and they are also not comfortable in using the recent, not proven technology. Customers are also influenced by sales schemes and offer while purchasing laptop. Focuses on 15-45 years user group should be targeted.


Originality/Value: It is survey research significant for laptop buyers and sellers of Nepal using the descriptive model.


Paper Type: Descriptive survey research

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How to Cite
Anjay Kumar Mishra, & P. S. Aithal. (2021). Factors and Features Influencing Laptop Users of Kathmandu, Nepal. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), 5(1), 132–142. Retrieved from https://supublication.com/index.php/ijcsbe/article/view/973