Lockdown: The Most Effective Preventive Measurement of Corona Virus Pandemic Disease through Social Distancing

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Sandip Roy
Priyanka Bhattacharya
Rajesh Bose
Haraprasad Mondal
Indranil Sarkar


Purpose: The lifestyle of people throughout the world has been affected exceptionally due to the severity of COVID-19 pandemic disease. Different steps to prevent this pandemic disease have been taken to protect the entire nation by the government of the affected countries. Several research works are going on to forecast on the different cases of the disease like new affected cases, new death cases. But the researchers have not worked for the Stringency Index on which transmission of the virus mostly depends till now.

Objective: Decision of maintaining strict lockdown and partial lockdown are the most effective preventive measure to resist this pandemic disease by breaking the cycle of transmission through social distancing.

Methodology: In our proposed work we have introduced the reality. Data from various sources on this disease for most affected countries like India have been collected by the authors. They have started an experiment on that data and ultimately have prepared a mathematical model to correlate between basic reproduction rate and the stringency index.

Results: The authors have calculated average new infected cases, maximum new infected cases and minimum new infected cases which are highly associated with the stringency index. Average death cases, maximum death cases, and minimum death cases are also been calculated as these are also associated with the stringency index.

Conclusion: Depending on the result of experiment of our work government of India as well as World Health Organization can take a decision for maintaining an effective lockdown to protect the entire nation from this deadlier disease.

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How to Cite
Sandip Roy, Priyanka Bhattacharya, Rajesh Bose, Haraprasad Mondal, & Indranil Sarkar. (2022). Lockdown: The Most Effective Preventive Measurement of Corona Virus Pandemic Disease through Social Distancing. International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), 6(1), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJHSP.2581.6411.0080