E-Professionalism as a Professional Identity in the Digital Era of Medical Education

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Jomon Lonappan
Aithal P. S.
Meera Jacob


Purpose: The advanced development in the field of digital-related technology can cause a lot of problems in practicing professional and health-related education.  Professionalism using digital-related Technologies includes information using online platforms that reflect the professional identity and values. The study places much emphasis on discussing the appropriate use of media in the Social Platform and characterizes professionalism with an emphasis on medical education.

Methodology: Following the framework of the Scoping Review by Arksey and O’Malley, we have analyzed and searched for PubMed, EMBASE, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science & and Google Scholar Indexed Journals from July 2003 to July 2023. Results were interpreted by PRISMA Scoping Review Guidelines. ABCD Analysis developed by Aithal P. S. also followed. Developed a new Model related to “Thematic representation of Attitude stages in E-Professionalism leading to Behaviour”.

Findings: Professionalism should be included as an important area of the curriculum in teaching, learning, and evaluating. Curricula should focus on the appropriate use of media in the social platform by including the core elements of professionalism in the medical arena.

Originality/Value: The Scholarly Paper submitted is original work. All the sources from which ideas and extracts were taken have been duly acknowledged.

Paper Type: Exploratory Research

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How to Cite
Jomon Lonappan, Aithal P. S., & Meera Jacob. (2023). E-Professionalism as a Professional Identity in the Digital Era of Medical Education. International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), 7(2), 35–48. https://doi.org/10.47992/IJHSP.2581.6411.0107