Building World-Class Universities: Some Insights & Predictions

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P. S. Aithal
Shubhrajyotsna Aithal


Innovations in higher education model are finding importance than ever before due to enhanced higher education institutions and the advancement in technology adopted mass education opportunities. After privatization of higher education, there is an enhanced competition betweenuniversities to attract students globally. Universities are competing with each other in terms oftheir physical and intellectual assets. It is postulated that the six essential assets to be developedby a university based on our predictive analysis for the growth and prosper as world-classuniversity are (1) Physical infrastructure, (2) Digital infrastructure, (3) Innovative academic &training Infrastructure for confidence building, (4) Intellectual property infrastructure, (5)Emotional infrastructure, and (6) Networked infrastructure. In this paper, we have determinedthe primary focus of these infrastructures along with their essential objectives in detail. We havealso discussed the various generic strategies to be followed to develop such infrastructures alongthe lifecycle of the university including Survival, Sustainability, Differentiation, and Growth &prosperity are analysed. The necessary and sufficient conditions of developing suchinfrastructures using all the above strategies towards building World-class universities areidentified. It is estimated that Physical, Digital, and Innovative Academic infrastructures arenecessary conditions and Intellectual Property, Emotional, and Network infrastructures aresufficient conditions respectively.

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How to Cite
P. S. Aithal, & Shubhrajyotsna Aithal. (2019). Building World-Class Universities: Some Insights & Predictions. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 4(2), 13–35. Retrieved from

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