Changing Trends of Divorce in India: Issues & Concerns

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Pinto Vincent
Laveena D’Mello


Few years ago, divorce was considered as one of the rare social phenomena in the Indian context. As the society started taking a new shape due to modernization and technological advancement, the rigid boundaries governing traditional Indian life began to replace with the new outlook as well as lifestyle. It gave a momentum when women took up employment that increased the incompatibility of gender because of the change in the position of women. Further, changing demographic contexts from rural lifestyle to city or metros,shift from extended family system to nuclear family, selection of spouse in contrary to arranged marriage are the features of changed scenario in India. In a modern society, dissolution of marriage derives from the idea that living an independent life is better than keeping marriages in terms of personal welfare. This article draws on the issues and concerns of marriages due to the changing scenario in socio-cultural life, technological outburst through social media and other forms media, influence of west, etc that has challenged the durability of the marriages in India. The aim of this study is to examine the recent trends on divorce. And the objectives are to know the socio-cultural factors that influence on the divorce rates and to suggest possible strategies for reducing or solve the problems of divorce in the family. 50 male and 50 female respondents studied in detail in this research study

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How to Cite
Pinto Vincent, & Laveena D’Mello. (2018). Changing Trends of Divorce in India: Issues & Concerns. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 3(2), 151–157. Retrieved from

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