ABCD Analysis as Research Methodology in Company Case Studies

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P. S. Aithal


Company analysis is a type of Case Study method among many types of Case study based Research Methods. While developing a Company Case study based on various issues in Management, the researcher can choose any company of any industry to study an issue or tosolve a problem. Usually, a case analysis ends up with the observation of new performancepattern, interpretation of issues in the form of new information, or development of new suggestions to improve the system or to solve the problems optimally. Company analysis isconsidered to be a most powerful method to study new lessons required to identify, understand,and solve the problems in the process of managing and leading the organizations. Analysingbusiness issues related to a company provides an opportunity to researchers to identify the kindsof situations, decisions, and dilemmas managers facing every day. Company analysis is apowerful tool in developing both research case study and teaching case study in businessmanagement subject. In this paper, we have discussed how ABCD Analysis as ResearchMethodology in company case analysis procedures in order to help the budding researcherswhile developing and analysing Company analysis as a Case study. In this paper, we havechecked whether ABCD (Advantages, Benefits, Constraints, and Disadvantages) analysisframework can be used while analysing a company, how to consider various determinant issuesof a company, selecting various affecting factors under these issues and identifying constituentcritical elements for each construct using its elemental analysis technique, and the reasons to recommend the ABCD analysis framework in any kind of company analysis.

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How to Cite
P. S. Aithal. (2017). ABCD Analysis as Research Methodology in Company Case Studies. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 2(2), 40–54. Retrieved from

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