Hinduism and its Symbols

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I. C. Licyamma


Man has succeeded very much in going outside of himself and has made many achievements. He has travelled through the space, found out many machines, many stars etc.But man has not succeeded as he must have done in one field except a very few who have really searched within and transformed themselves and others into great self-realised,contented human beings, who are not moved by the pleasures and pains of life The epic character Nachikethas is a best example of this field’s best motivator.India’s epics are the greatest recorded epics known to man.It has been said that nothing exists that cannot be found in the epics of India. Bhagavat Geetha is the song of God.This literature continues to enchant readers and scholars the world over. This paper is an effort to search in a very limited way the spirit of this culture and its treasures.I bow down to the great power which is the power behind the entire existence.This power is smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest. Symbology is very common in all the ancient literature and epics. This paper is an effort to inculcate more interest in the present generation about the beauty and highly esteemed principles and values of the characters of the epics and the reality of life.

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How to Cite
I. C. Licyamma. (2016). Hinduism and its Symbols. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 1(1), 14–20. Retrieved from https://supublication.com/index.php/ijmts/article/view/822