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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The Manuscript strictly follows Srinivas Publication Journal Format and also declare that all References are in APA Format and properly cited in the body of the text in chronological order
  • I/We have checked my Manuscript in Grammarly/ trinka.ai and declare that manuscript has no Grammer Mistakes
  • I/We have checked my Manuscript in Plagiarism Checking Software and Plagiarism is less than 10%
  • If mutiple Authors are contributors of manuscript then all authors emailid is compulsory
  • I have taken consent from all my co-authors for publishing my article in this journal and all have agreed for the same and also submitting here NOC from Co-author(s) Form along with manuscript.
  • You are compulsorily requested to submit Reviewers name, affiliation, address, email id, contact number in word file format along with manuscript (Attach as a separate word file & name the word file as reviewer list)


Your paper should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication in any place else. Submit your paper electronically through the online system. All papers are subject to peer review. After your paper has been accepted, you must sign a copyright transfer agreement with IJAEML. Papers accepted for publication will be available free online.

The publishing Research articles are usually 5 to 20 pages long and the review process may take approximately 10-20 days. In special cases, shorter or longer articles may be accepted with appropriate reasoning. Authors are requested to follow IJAEML guidelines for preparing their manuscripts. An article sample template can be found here (MS Word).
Contact e-mail: srinivaspublication@srinivasgroup.com

Authors are requested to strictly follow the submission guidelines:

1. The manuscript must be written in the English Language.

2. The file must be in Microsoft Word format with 1 line spacing in A4 size Page.

3. The font of the manuscript must be Times New Roman with 12 point size.

4. The first page must be a title page. List all the authors with their organizational affiliation & e-mail id of the corresponding author.

5. The submission must not be published elsewhere or submitted for publication.

6. Do not include authors name anywhere in the manuscript except the first page.

7. All manuscript must include a maximum 250 words abstract, next to the title page. Add about 4 to 5 keywords one line below the abstract.

8. Figures must be in high resolution & clear with a descriptive heading.

9. There should be minimum 10 References in Scholarly paper with minimum 50% journal references. These references should be compulsorily cited in the body of the text of the paper in the format[1], [2] etc. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors should provide the publication right  to the Journal.

10. All References of Conference and Journal Articles must be linked to Google Scholar Search Page and CrossRef DOI (if exists). In case of Website references, references should have active website URL link with accessed date. Book References also should have Website link or Google Scholar search page link.

11. To create a hyperlink in MS-Word, Select the text you want to hyperlink and then select the ‘Insert’ menu and then click the hyperlink. After selecting a hyperlink in the Address text box enter the URL or address of the hyperlink. Also, insert a special symbol . To insert this symbol go to the  ‘Insert’  menu and then click ‘symbol’ and then select more symbols.   In the ‘More symbols’ dialog box select font as ‘Wingdings’. 

12. The order of the content must be as per the following sequence;

  1. Title Page with Authors details
  2. Abstract & Keywords
  3. Introduction
  4. Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. References
  8. Appendices (if any)

References must be according to APA style guidelines

For Book : Alan Bryman & Emma Bell. (2007). Business Research Methods. New York : Oxford University Press, pp. 14-28.

For Ph.D. Thesis: Mcdonalds, A. (1991). Practical dissertation title. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Retrieved from www.uf.edu/projects/

Article in a Journal: [1] Krishna Prasad, P. & Aithal, P. S. (2017). A Study on Online Education Model using Location Based Adaptive Mobile Learning. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 1(1), 36-44. 

From Websites: McDonald, C., & Chenoweth, L. (2009). Leadership: A crucial ingredient in unstable times. Social Work & Society. Retrieved from http://www.socwork.net/2009/1/articles/mcdonaldchenoweth on 12/02/2017.
13. References must be according to APA style guidelines.
14. Papers must be submitted electronically to srinivaspublication@srinivasgroup.com

Processing Charges: There is no submission or processing or publication fee for the Authors (Free Publication) for the accepted papers of this journal and the entire cost of the publication is sponsored by Srinivas University and A. Shama Rao Foundation, Mangalore.

Process of Publication: 

a) After receiving Manuscript/ Paper, the author will get a confirmation email of receiving that paper with id.

b) Manuscript/ Paper will be checked through a plagiarism checker.

c) After that Manuscript/ Paper will be sent for double-blinded peer review.

d) Based on double-blinded peer review report, the editor will take a decision to accept or reject the paper or editor can take a decision of re-submission of Manuscript/ Paper after suggested changes.

e) After this step, if Manuscript/ Paper will be accepted then the author will receive an acceptance of paper within 5 to 7 days.