Biocompatible Maghemite Nanoparticles Compatibilization of GG/CMC Blends in Aqueous Solution
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Biocompatible polymer blends with natural polymer guar gum (GG), and a modified naturalpolymer carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) have been studied for their compatibilization withbiocompatible maghemite magnetic nanoparticles. Ultrasonic velocity, density, and dilutesolution viscometry methods were used to assess the intermolecular interaction between GG andCMC in the presence of maghemite nanoparticles at 30°C and 40°C. The solution state studiesconfirmed that GG/CMC blends are compatible in the presence of maghemite nanoparticle onlyif the GG content is more than 30% in the blend. These biocompatible polymer blend-maghemitenanocomposites can be used for their applications in controlled drug release formulations.
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Bhavya M. S., Sudhanva Narayana K. S.2, Savitha M. B., & Prasad P. (2020). Biocompatible Maghemite Nanoparticles Compatibilization of GG/CMC Blends in Aqueous Solution. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 4(1), 184–190. Retrieved from