Literature Review on Indian Ancient University in Imparting Holistic and Multidisciplinary: To Create Indian Knowledge System (IKS)

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Mahesh K. M.
Aithal P. S.
Sharma K. R. S.


Purpose: Education in ancient India is way back in the 3rd  century BC it is a source of knowledge, traditions, and practices focused on the holistic development provided by the ancient university in higher learnings provided by the  Nalanda(5th century), Takshashila (6th century BC), Odantapuri (550-1040), Jagaddala, Sharada peeth Valabhi, Varanasi, Manyakheta in Karnataka, Kanchipuram, Nagarjinakonda focused on Moral, Physical, spiritual, intellectual through Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Dharmasutras the learning sources are Kavyas, Itihas, Anviksiki (logic), Arthashastra, Mimamsa, VArta (trade), Krida, ShastrArtha, Uyayamaprakara, Dhanurvidya, Yogasadhana, music, the system of ancient education was Vedic and Buddhist with the language of Sanskrit and Pali, Produced academic Scholars Panini well-known grammarian, Charaka medical teacher, Chanakya, Jivaka and Swami Vivekananda Ramakrishna Mission in the twentieth century are the hub of learning. The National Education Policy 2020 is the framework of the Indian Knowledge system to provide innovative developments through multidisciplinary linkages with other branches of knowledge contributed by Aryabhatta mathematician, astrologer and physicist he wrote the book Aryabhattiya (summary of Mathematics), Bramagupta book Brahm Sputa Siddantika on mathematical, Ganesha Upadhaya mathematician and philosopher, medical and Ayurveda by  Susruta, Patanjali on Yoga and  Vagbhata, The education agencies ancient days are Gurukula, Parishad and  Samnelan, teaching methods are verbal and explanatory, lectures, debates and discussions to creating the Three R’s Religion, Resilience, and Responsibility.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The Article is descriptive and based on reviews of the literature.

Findings: The Ancient university is the embodiment of India Knowledge through Multidisciplinary approaches like philosophy, music, Ayurveda, and Warfare Skills and focuses more on moral values, ethics, and Spiritualism ancient universities and scholars are a gold mine for shaping and improving higher learning and imparting vocational training in all branches.

Originality/Value: Present literature review-based study focuses on ancient university subjects’ thought and the contribution of ancient scholar/scientists in different fields of the Indian Knowledge system present NEP2020 draws contribution made to IKS and incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to gain knowledge, culture, and skills to enhance Indian glory.

Paper Type: Literature Review-based Analysis

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How to Cite
Mahesh K. M., Aithal P. S., & Sharma K. R. S. (2023). Literature Review on Indian Ancient University in Imparting Holistic and Multidisciplinary: To Create Indian Knowledge System (IKS). International Journal of Philosophy and Languages (IJPL), 2(1), 1–17.