Deriving Right Sample Size and Choosing an Appropriate Sampling Technique to Select Samples from the Research Population During Ph.D. Program in India

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H. R. Ganesha
Aithal P. S.


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explain standard formulas available for deriving sample size, the essence of every component of formulas, and available techniques for selecting samples from the research population in turn, guiding the Ph.D. scholars to finalize appropriate sample size and sampling technique.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Postmodernism philosophical paradigm; Inductive research approach; Observation data collection method; Longitudinal data collection time frame; Qualitative data analysis.

Findings/Result: As long as the Ph.D. scholars can understand an appropriate sample size and available sampling techniques and make mindful choices of sample size and sampling technique across various stages/phases of the research to answer their research questions they will be able to determine (on their own) all the other choices in succeeding steps of doctoral-level research such as i) data collection instrument and iii) data analysis techniques.

Originality/Value: There is a vast literature about how to derive the sample size and how to select samples from the research population. However, only a few have explained them together comprehensively which is conceivable to Ph.D. scholars. In this article, we have attempted to explain every component of sample size formulas and capture most of the sampling techniques briefly that would enable Ph.D. scholars in India to glance through and make a scholarly choice of appropriate sample size and sample selection techniques. 

Paper Type: Conceptual.

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How to Cite
H. R. Ganesha, & Aithal P. S. (2022). Deriving Right Sample Size and Choosing an Appropriate Sampling Technique to Select Samples from the Research Population During Ph.D. Program in India. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 6(2), 288–306.

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